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Foiling Cards without a Laminator

Foiling cards without a laminator are easy to do with the double-sided adhesive sheets by CrafTangles.  These reactive foils by CrafTangles work very well and they provide twice as much product for about the same amount of money. The exchange rate from India to USA currencies make these reactive foil rolls just a little over $2.27 each (depends upon current exchange rates)  If shipping all 10 colors, it’s about $2 per color.  Decofoil and Minc foil have 60 inches of product for about the same price per roll.  These rolls by CrafTangles have double the amount at 120 inches of foil.  It is a really good value!

Foiling Cards without a Laminator 1

How to apply Foil with double-sided Adhesive

  1. cut adhesive sheet size to match paper size
  2. remove adhesive on one side of adhesive and apply to paper
  3. remove other adhesive paper and lay foil on top layer
  4. place entire piece into the embossing folder
  5. run through We R Memory Keepers Evolution Advanced Machine
  6. remove from embossing folder and remove film off the top of the foil
Foiling Cards without a Laminator 2

Foiling Cards without a Laminator 3

Foiling Cards without a Laminator 4

How to apply Foil Video Demonstration

foil cards

 Supplies Used for this Project:

Foiling Cards without a Laminator 5Foiling Cards without a Laminator 6 Foiling Cards without a Laminator 7Foiling Cards without a Laminator 8

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